Pregnant & Post-Partum Mums

Many changes occur within women’s bodies during pregnancy.  Hormones lead to softening of ligaments, extra weight gain concentrated mainly in the belly area and therefore also postural changes that happen in a relatively short space of time.  These changes can lead to additional pressure on joints, especially the spine and pelvis.  As a result, pregnancy can cause general aches and pains which osteopathy can help with.  This includes joint and back pain.

After giving birth, a woman’s body undergoes postural changes again very quickly, now that she is no longer carrying a baby in her womb.  Her body needs to recover from the changes that happened during pregnancy as well as from the effects of giving birth.   In addition, the ligaments remain soft for some time after delivering, especially if mum is breastfeeding.  This means that women are more prone to aches and pains in the post-partum period.  Likewise, women’s bodies need to acclimatise to life as a new mum.  This may include breastfeeding, for which osteopaths can offer postural advice to make this more comfortable.