Osteopathy for Infants & Children

Osteopaths are qualified to work with babies and children. Patients are welcome to self-refer. Referrals are also accepted from midwives, lactation consultants, GPs and other health care professionals.

Kerri has experience treating babies and children of all ages. Kerri gained much experience working in Special Care Baby Units, working mainly with premature babies and in the Osteopathic Centre for Children clinic, treating many babies and children, including many with varied disabilities. Every stage of children’s development brings its own challenges. Osteopaths do not treat conditions, they treat patients by resolving mechanical issues which are compromising the body’s function. Osteopathy is a gentle system of manual treatment which is suitable for babies and children of all ages. This includes a diverse range of techniques, including cranial techniques. Although paediatrics is part of the undergraduate osteopathy qualification, Kerri has also completed a 2-year post-graduate qualification in paediatrics.

For further information, feel free to call and talk through what we may be able to do to help.

There are plenty of books and toys to keep little patients entertained, from babies to toddlers and even older children.

That said, if your child has a favourite toy, please feel free to bring it along to keep them happy during the treatment.

It can be difficult to plan timings with babies.  Should your appointment fall over feed time, please feel free to breast or bottle feed your baby, whatever will be most comfortable for you and your baby is fine.  They can be treated whilst feeding.

Little patients are welcome to have snacks if this will keep them occupied, but please be considerate and ensure snacks are nut free and not likely to be too messy.